Saturday, September 1, 2007

Alan Wong's Recipe

I was so inspired by the Hamakua Springs Tomato, Beet, and Avocado Salad from Alan Wong's that I had to try to make it for myself! I ventured out to the farmer's market to gather the produce and found the recipe online for the li hing mui vinaigrette. I wasn't able to get ALL the ingredients (hearts of palm, yellow tomatoes and yellow beets) but I came close! I also wasn't able to present it the way they do at the restaurant... but it tasted pretty close to the real thing!


Red and yellow baby tomatoes
Roasted red and yellow beets
Hearts of Palm
Li Hing Mui Vinaigrette
Micro Basil
Micro Shiso

1 Whole egg
2 T Ume Paste
2 T Li Hing Mui powder
1/4 c Mitsukan Rice Vinegar
1 c Salad oil
1 t fresh lemon juice

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